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Powder and grit made from electrolytic chromium

JSC POLEMA produces powders and grit from electrolytic chromium with various chemical compositions and particle size.

Powders and grit are produced through mechanical pulverization of refined electrolytic chromium material of the appropriate purity, with subsequent screening in order to achieve the needed particle size.

Powders made from refined electrolytic chromium are meant for use in manufacturing.

Grit made from refined electrolytic chromium is used as evaporable sources during vacuum application of chromium coatings.

Powder made from high-purity refined electrolytic chromium containing the base element 99.99 % Cr and 99.98 % Cr

Brand Cr, %
Admixtures, ppm, maximum
Total content
of metallic
for fraction
(-50 mesh)
for fraction
(-100 mesh)
MP-ERCr 99,99 99,99 min 100 50 40 120 130 20
MP-ERCr 99,98 99,98 min 200 70 50 140 150 20
*Metallic purity. The mass percentage of Cr is determined as the difference between 100% and the total content of metallic admixtures, determined using the ICP-MS method

MP – Milled Powder

Particle size: 56-280 microns (-50 mesh), 56-160 (-100 mesh) with base fraction content of at least 93.5%. Other particle sizes are possible based on client request.

Powder of refined electrolytic chromium with a purity of 99.95 % Cr

Brand, fraction Cr, % (mass) * Admixtures, ppm, maximum
Al Fe Cu Ni Si C N O S Other

-280 microns
(-50 mesh)

99,95 min 15 150 30 50 100 80 30 120 20 -

-150 microns
(-100 mesh)

99,95 min 15 200 30 50 100 80 30 200 20 -

-150 microns
(-100 mesh)

99,95 min 50 200 30 50 150 100 50 From 10000 to 30000** 80 P 20
Pb 10
*Metallic purity
**In MP-ERCr-4 (oxidized) powder, oxygen is not classified among admixtures, and its content in the amounts shown above is set based on individual contracts

MP – Milled Powder

Powder of low-purity refined electrolytic chromium containing the base element 99.9 % Cr and 99.6 % Cr

Brand Cr, % (mass.)* Admixtures, ppm, maximum**
Al Fe Cu Ni Si Total content of metallic admixtures C N O S
MP-ERCr 99,9 99,9 min 70 500 40 100 100 1000 200 100 350 30
MP-ERCr 99,6 99,6 min 70 1500 50 100 350 4000 200 100 1500 30
*Metallic purity
**Admixture norms are shown for powders MP-ERCr 99.9 of the fraction 56-280 microns (-50 mesh) and MP-ERCr 99.6 of the fraction 0-63 microns (-250 mesh). For powders of other fractions, admixtures norms are determined in the specifications

MP – Milled Powder

Particle size: 56-280 microns (-50 mesh) for the brand MP-ERCr 99.9 with base fraction particle content of at least 85 %; 0-63 microns (-250 mesh) for the brand MP-ERCr 99.6 with base fraction particle content of at least 95 %; other dimensions are possible at the client's request.

Grit from refined electrolytic chromium with a purity of 99.95% Cr and 99.9 % Cr for evaporable sources

Brand Cr, % (mass.)* Admixtures, ppm, maximum
Al Fe Cu Ni Si Other
ERCr 99,95-PM 99,95 min 30 250 30 40 50 100 100 50 200 20
ERCr 99,9-PM 99,9 min 70 500 40 100 100 190 200 100 350 30
*Metallic purity

Grit particle size: from 2.5 to 5.9 mm, with base fraction content of at least 88 %, as well as other sizes based on the client's request.